For over 165 years, Chicago Theological Seminary has pushed at the boundaries of theological education. Ours is an on-going legacy of progressive firsts and historic social justice. Today, CTS continues to push its boundaries beyond those of traditional seminaries and other conferrers of MDiv degrees.
Our mission is to create greater justice in today’s world. Collaborating with new communities. Establishing fresh areas of study. Opening our minds to different ways of thinking. Living into our beliefs more sincerely. CTS is transforming theological education. It all starts here.
Every year CTS hosts a number of exciting lectures, Wednesday Gatherings and other events. In case you weren't able to attend, here's a chance to see what you missed.
Join us for Season 3 of Our 7 Neighbors! Hosted by Rev. Brian E. Smith, this season centers stories gathered for our Rev. Jesse Jackson Oral Archive Project. Each episode includes segments from our Chicago Civil rights leaders interviews, paired with voices from modern community, faith, and social justice movements. Listen in on these historic interviews documenting the birth of a movement. Learn more here.