Events Calendar

The CTS campus is an active, vibrant community with a diverse schedule of events. Check out the calendar below, get involved and challenge yourself! Join the conversation.

Red – CTS Event Open to the Public
Purple – CTS/Bayan Student Event, Not Open to the Public
Green – CTS Internal Event
Blue – External Event Sponsored by CTS

29sepAll Day04octBayan Islamic Graduate School In Residence(All Day)

02oct1:00 pm2:00 pmCTS-Bayan Community Lunch1:00 pm - 2:00 pm CDT 4th Floor Dining Room

05oct1:00 pm4:00 pmChicago Civil Rights Trolley TourVisiting important historical venues from Operation Breadbasket and the Chicago Civil Rights Movement1:00 pm - 4:00 pm CDT

06octAll Day11Bayan Islamic Graduate School In Residence(All Day)

08oct1:00 pm2:30 pmFall Emerging Scholars SymposiumDay 11:00 pm - 2:30 pm CST

09oct1:00 pm2:30 pmFall Emerging Scholars SymposiumDay 21:00 pm - 2:30 pm CST

10oct5:00 pm8:00 pm2024 C. Shelby Rooks Lecturewith Dr. Juan Floyd-Thomas5:00 pm - 8:00 pm CDT

23oct12:00 pm1:00 pmWednesday GatheringsThinking Polyculturally12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CDT

30oct12:00 pm2:00 pmHow Do We Find the Words Interfaith Engagement in Troubling Times12:00 pm - 2:00 pm CDT