Ministry Assistance

St. John's UCC Harmony | Hampshir, IL
Ministry Assistance
Supervisor: Rev. Dr. Lindsey Halpern-Givens
Phone: 815.546.8357


St. John’s UCC Harmony is a 140 year old church that St. John’s UCC, as a faith community, centered in God, who comes to us as Creator, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit, is calling us:

  • to come together for worship and hearing of God’s word.
  • To share the Gospel with children, youth and adults.
  • To create an atmosphere where everyone can share the joy of praising God through a variety of activities.
  • To be prepared to respond to the changing needs of the surrounding community.
  • To recognize the presence of God who brings healing and wholeness to our daily lives.



The student at this site will participate in the life of the church as mentioned above. Because the church is a small church in a rural setting the student will gain experience that could be useful to many of the churches in a UCC association/conference.



As this is a first time for this congregation to have a student there will be a learning curve as to what is expected. Generally speaking it is expected that the student will participate as much as she can to gain experience.



I believe that to be a teaching institution for seminarians means that a seminarian learns to take the wisdom gained from coursework and apply it to her actual field education setting through taking part in the life of the community much as a called pastor would. Seminarians in field education gain from practicing and honing their ministerial skills through delivering sermons, working with children, youth and adults, leading adult education, making pastoral calls and other duties of the pastoral office under the supervision of the (teaching) pastor.



The church has not yet determined whether or not it will be able to provide a stipend as the church has not been involved in Field Education before.



This site is not accessible via public transportation.