april, 2024

10apr12:00 pm1:00 pmWednesday GatheringsDistinguished Alumni Award: Paul Kittlaus12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CST


Event Details

Prior to Commencement, we honor the recipient of the Distinguished Alumni/ae Award. This annual CTS tradition gives the community an opportunity to gather together and celebrate the achievements of the recipient of the Award. Those honored have demonstrated that they are pillars within their communities and best reflect our message of justice and mercy.

We are pleased to present the 2024 Distinguished Alumni Award to alum  Rev. Paul Kittlaus at this Wednesday Gathering! This event will be virtual.

Join us: https://ctschicago-edu.zoom.us/j/97135339976

Rev. Paul Kittlaus grew up in the Midwest and earned degrees from the University of Missouri, the Chicago Theological Seminary, the University of Chicago, and George Washington University in Washington, DC. He served churches in the ghetto/barrios, suburbs, and big downtown churches. He was drawn to the prophetic and social engagement ministries including 10 years as lobbyist for the United Church of Christ in Washington. In retirement in Claremont, he began abstract acyclic painting. His paintings are in the permanent collections of the Claremont Museum of Art, Claremont Heritage, and the Claremont United Church of Christ.


(Wednesday) 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

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