Monya Stubbs

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Monya Stubbs

Affiliated Assistant Professor of New Testament

Monya A. Stubbs holds a bachelors degree from Spelman College, Atlanta, GA. She holds the MTS degree and Ph.D in New Testament Studies and Early Christianity from Vanderbilt University. Stubbs is the author of Indebted Love: Paul’s Subjection Language in Romans (Wipf & Stock, 2013) and co-author of A Contextual Introduction to the Gospel of Matthew and its Readings (Abingdon Press, 2003). Her published essays include works on “Romans” (in Navigating Romans Through History, T&T Clark, 2004), “Philippians” (in True to Our Native Land, Fortress Press, 2007), “1 Thessalonians” (in Women’s Bible Commentary, Westminster John Knox Press, 2012) “1 and 2 Corinthians” (in Covenant Bible Study, Abingdon Press, 2014) and “John” (in Feasting on the Gospels, Westminster John Knox Press, 2015).